Choosing Fitness Training Equipment for an Obstacle Course Race

Obstacle Course Races (OCRs) like the Spartan Race or Tough Mudder are designed to be physically and mentally demanding. Each event can be very different from the last. On one day you might be running, jumping and scaling walls in an urban setting while on another you might be carrying heavy weights and trudging through mud in a cross-country course.

For the millions of Americans preparing for OCR’s, stocking their home gyms with the right selection of equipment is necessary to ensure they can master all of the different skills and abilities needed.

Although pre-selected fitness kits are one option, here are some suggestions to help you build your own OCR athlete kit.


To perform at your best your heart, lungs and blood vessels need to be working together like a well-oiled machine. Exercises which work on this system are termed cardio-vascular or ‘CV’ workouts and include running, swimming and cycling.

Many CV exercises require no equipment at all but to mimic the conditions of an assault course, consider investing in a plyo box. Basing a workout around a plyo box will enable you to practice leaping over objects while keeping your heart rate high.

If you enjoy cycling, consider getting hold of an air bike. This will help you to squeeze in workouts at any time of the day or night, regardless of what the weather is doing.

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Kettlebells are a versatile piece of kit which can be used to create a combined CV and muscle endurance workout. Another option is a foam plyo box for creating a plyometrics routine. Again, this type of workout is great for CV and strength training.


OCRs challenge multiple different muscle groups so it is crucial that preparation involves a wide range of muscle endurance exercises. Varying the pace of each exercise can have a big impact on which muscles are being trained as can factors such as inclination angle and rotation.

You will almost certainly want to get hold of some good quality rubber-coated dumbbells and perhaps a classic medicine ball or, if you want to include some throwing and catching moves in your routine, a slam ball. These are filled with sand and coated in a hard shell.

On the subject of sand, equipment such as the Bulgarian Bag are based upon sandbags but include various handles and grips for flexibility. They can be worn around the neck or on the back, swung through the legs lifted from the chest and otherwise manipulated to work various muscle groups.

For upper and lower body conditioning, it may be worth installing a pull-up bar and squat rack in your home gym.


Building core strength should always be a priority for any OCR competitor as it enables the safe and effective development of the rest of the upper and lower body muscles.

Resistance band can be easily incorporated into any core routine and can also be used in other muscle and CV endurance exercises to increase their difficulty. A stability ball will help to work additional muscles by creating a challenging, unstable foundation.

Making use of high-density foam rollers in your core workouts will also condition your body by keeping the fascia supple. This is the connective tissue between muscles which can become tight due to overtraining. The density of the foam enables self-myofascial release (SMR) during your core routine.

Some of the tools already mentioned (e.g. kettlebells, dumbbells and medicine balls) can be easily incorporated into core exercises while a rowing machine is an excellent addition to any home gym. As many core exercises are performed on the floor, a good quality workout mat is also recommended.


 Improving the strength of your grip can be enough to give you the edge in an OCR event, particularly in courses involving plenty of climbing, pulling and swinging. Improving grip strength is another benefit of kettlebells while a good quality set of power training ropes (battle ropes) would be a valuable addition to the training bag. These can also help with grip strength, shoulder endurance and general conditioning.

You can also buy custom-built grip strengtheners and gyroscopic balls but one often overlooked tip when it comes to grip strength is to simply add an extra squeeze to any bar exercises you do while doing away with grip aids as much as possible. There are also products which can be added to any bar to increase its diameter and force you to widen your grip.


The more time you can spend working out effectively, the better prepared you will be for your next OCR race. This is common sense but some athletes sabotage their efforts by not considering their energy needs.

Eating a balanced diet will ensure you have a steady supply of energy to last you through those tough sessions. Ensure you are regularly consuming moderate amounts of lean protein and carbohydrates while replacing unhealthy saturated fats with unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. You should also keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water with each meal.

When you feel in need of a snack, nutrition bars which include fiber, vitamins, minerals and other ingredients derived from whole superfoods are much more beneficial than snack bars based around sugar and fat.

Eating for fuel and ensuring you have at least one piece of equipment from each of the four categories above in your home gym will set you up well for that next set of obstacles in your upcoming race schedule.






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