3 Reasons Why You May Feel Nauseous After Working Out

We have all experienced this. You’re at the gym, working hard and things are going great, you’re in a zone, muscles and lungs are burning, motivation is at an all-time high and then it hits you. Suddenly you’re weak, clammy and running for the bathroom. So what makes us feel nauseous after working out and what can we do about it?

#1 Low Blood Sugar

The first form of energy the body uses is glycogen. Glycogen is sugar that is stored in our muscles and liver, waiting to supply necessary fuel. Glycogen stores slowly deplete between meals and snacks while the body is functioning. If these stores are not replenished, we will experience low blood sugar. Low blood sugar will most certainly make you feel nauseous after working out or perhaps even during your workout.

This most often occurs during an early morning training session. Overnight, your body has used the majority of its glycogen. If it is not replenished with pre-workout nutrition, you may fall victim to the symptoms of low blood sugar, which include a feeling of shakiness, nausea and a cold sweat.

If you choose to work out after a significant time has passed between feedings, you will want to try supplementing with an energy drink or even a small amount of juice. Limit the number of calories in your supplement as you don’t need much and of course, excess calories will only hamper your efforts. A small amount of sugar will suffice and help keep you from feeling nauseous after working out.

#2 Exercise on a Full Stomach

Just as it’s not a good idea to work out intensely on a completely empty stomach, it’s also a bad idea to exercise on a full stomach. Immediately after a meal and for the hour or two following, your body has one goal in mind and that’s digestion. If you choose to train within the first hour to two after consuming a meal, you will likely have a hard time getting through your program and you may feel nauseous after working out.

Digestion requires a great demand from our system. During the digestion process, large volumes of blood are transported to the stomach and shunted from the rest of the body. Your body’s primary focus at this time is to absorb the nutrients you have consumed and it will put up a fight if another task is required of it. Let the digestion process take place before your workout begins.

#3 Working Out Too Intensely

When it comes to exercise, like everything else in life, you reap what you sow. Hard work elicits the best results. While you want to ensure the intensity level is high, you also have to be responsible and work within your limits. Exercising beyond your capabilities may lead to injury and will likely have you feeling nauseous after working out.

Use perceived exertion to monitor intensity levels. Using a scale of one to ten, aim to exercise at an intensity level of seven to nine with short bursts of a level ten. This will undoubtedly provide you with a super intense and effective workout without leaving you injured, weak or nauseous after working out.

Work Out Hard but Keep it Smart

It’s all about balance. Nutrients in versus nutrients out combined with appropriate timing and intensity of workouts will keep you strong, able and motivated to complete even the toughest of programs. This system will reward you with the lean, hard, healthy physique while keeping you from feeling weak and nauseous after working out.





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