Recommendations For How Much Fiber Per Day You Should Intake

You may have heard it all before that fiber is an essential aspect of nutrition in which it aids in regular flushing of wastes in the body. It also helps lower fat, cholesterol and harmful toxins which may aggravate certain conditions. Despite the benefits that you get from fiber, there are still some questions that arise with regards to how much fiber per day you must have.

The Answer

Basically, the amount that you would need in a day is dependent upon the number of calories that you need in a single day. For every healthy adult, you would need 14 grams of fiber for every 1000 calories consumed as the USDA recommends. For example, a person eating 2000 calories in a day would definitely need 28 grams of fiber. Of course, you would most likely exceed this amount when you eat certain foods which are really loaded with fiber. For example, a half cup of oatmeal contains 3 grams of fiber, a single banana has 3 grams of fiber, 1 cup of white or black beans has 8 grams, a small apple with 5 grams, a cup of lentils which has 8 grams and a half cup of blueberries has 3 grams.

Take It Easy

If you are used to a high protein diet, with lots of meat, poultry and fish but are not used to having the recommended amount of fibers in a day, then it is essential for you to take things slowly. For example, going at 28 grams of fiber in a single day all at once will most likely get you to trips to the toilet as it may induce diarrhea. It is then advisable to start slowly with the half of the recommended amount, and then slowly progress to the base requirement the next days.

The Flush

Like what was stated above, there are lots of benefits that you can get out of fiber, and the most famous of which is to keep you regular. Because of the body’s inability to absorb and break down fiber, it grabs fats and other unnecessary dirt from the bowel as it winds its way down the intestines. Of course, as it goes along with fiber, the toxins are thereby flushed, and released out of the body. With proper intake and systematic intake of fiber such as dividing them into three different doses in a day, you will most likely achieve a regular bowel pattern. Eating just an apple a day will not ensure that you flush out all the fats you have ingested throughout the day. Keep in mind that the recommended fiber intake in a day is important.

Two Types

There are actually two types of fiber that you may ingest out of a variety of foods. These are the soluble and insoluble types of fibers. There are foods, in which soluble fibers are the only present fibers and there are also those in which both are present. One huge example of a single content food which contains soluble fiber only is white rice. An example of bilateral fibered foods is the brown rice in which the outside contains insoluble fibers, and the inside of which contains soluble fibers.

Most insoluble fibers are found in fruits, in the skin of vegetables, in their peels and the husks. The soluble ones though are found on the fleshy part of the fruits such as the interior of mangoes, bananas, coconuts and many others.

Soluble fibers are also called pectin. These essential fibers aid in lowering blood glucose by slowing down the absorption of carbohydrates in the body, thereby also slowing down the rate at which glucose is absorbed in the blood stream. Carrots, legumes, citrus fruits and beans are great examples of soluble fiber- rich foods. Some studies also have proven that eating foods rich in soluble fibers aid in the reduction of heart related diseases such as atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis.

Insoluble fibers on the other hand are widely known as cellulose. It is mostly found on skins and coverings of certain fruits, vegetables, wheat and beans. It is the peeling and the soft part around the skin of the apple, the strings in the stalk of celery and the membranes around the juicy flesh of the orange. Since it is insoluble, it hastens the transit time of food in the intestines promoting regular evacuation. These types of fibers help in the prevention of constipation, hemorrhoids and diverticulitis. It also greatly reduces the chances in which you develop colon cancer.

The Selection

Most people have also asked and have been confused with regards to whether they must take a canned fruit or a fresh one. Canned fruits or vegetables retain the same soluble fiber that they have, but with decreased insoluble fibers due to the processing which may remove the fruits outer covering. However, nutrients are readily absorbed since the body will take less time to break down the nutrients since it has already been processed. Fresh fruits also retain both the two types of fibers but may take some time before the body breaks down the nutrients. With this, it is essential to have balance between buying canned and freshly prepared fruits. Sample of which are apples, pineapples, oranges, legumes, persimmons, strawberries, tomatoes, asparagus and many others.

The Guide

When it comes to losing weight, the good old fiber can also provide you with great benefits. Since fiber rich foods are also contained with carbohydrates and calories, these fiber-high foods have lesser amounts of calories as compared to other types of foods with less fiber. Foods containing fiber have sugar and carbs, which the body digests but since fiber is unable to be digested by the body, it means there are lesser calories that you get. Fiber rich foods should always be in your plate when you want to lose weight.

Fiber rich foods are important in every man’s diet. From weight loss, to staying regular to keeping your body free from toxins, it is a must with every meal of the day. Variety is also important when it comes to your food selection. How much fiber per day is fully dependent with your total calories so monitoring every food you eat is equally important.





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