Category: Weight Lifting

  • The Skinny Guy’s Guide to Building Muscle Mass

    The skinny guy or a hard gainer’s common question when it comes to muscle building or bodybuilding always revolve around sets and reps for mass. When it comes to building muscle, lifting it all out in the gym through endless hours of workouts can be counter-productive. It requires the knowledge that will help gain and…

  • Which Should I Use… EZ Curl Bar or Straight Bar?

    Whether you are a rookie or a veteran in the gym, you may be confused by the purposes of the EZ curl bar and straight bar. You see people use both of them for the same exercises, so which one is best for what, and when should each be used? While both of these bars…

  • Powerlifting Routines

    Okay, you have it in mind to try a powerlifting routine; but, you don’t know quite where to start. All you know is you want to get real strong in order to move big weight. You might even have the urge to compete. So, what is powerlifting anyway? Isn’t that the same thing as weightlifting?…

  • Increase Calories Burned Weight Lifting – Important Facts To Consider

    One thing that you might be wondering as you go about your workout program is with regards to the calories burned weight lifting.  While doing cardio you can get a rough estimation of your total calorie burn from looking down at the machine readouts, but when doing your weight lifting, you have nothing to go…

  • 7 Medicine Ball Exercises to Build Your Core Muscles

    Medicine ball training is one of the most efficient training routines that develop over-all strength, balance, stability, and speed. One of the highlights of medicine ball routines are the medicine ball core exercises. Medicine ball exercises that target the core focus on rotating movements, which implement torso rotation and develop rotational power of the torso…

  • Resistance Band Ab Exercises

    There are several abs exercises that you can execute in order to strengthen the abdominal muscles, some of which are performed with resistance bands. Due to the resistance provided by the elastic tubes, it creates the challenge and difficulty of the exercise that adds tweaks and innovations to traditional exercises.

  • Creating Strong Legs with a Leg Extension Workout

    Having strong quadriceps to perform your everyday activities is important and one of the best ways to strengthen your quadriceps is through leg extensions. Located at the front of the thigh, the quadriceps are some of the hardest working muscles in the body. Each time you walk, run, stand up, sit down, squat or jump,…

  • Using Kettlebells for an Abdominal Workout

    The odd, handled ball weights known as kettlebells can give the abdominals a fantastic workout. There are some great kettlebell exercises that can be put into a routine for targeting several muscles of the body’s core, including the rectus abdominus, obliques, and transverse abdominus found about the stomach and waist. The kettlebell’s unbalanced design results…

  • Smith Machine Bench Press Workout

    As you go about your program to build muscle mass, you might consider doing your a smith machine bench press workout.  While most people think of the smith machine as a piece of equipment that is going to be primarily devoted to helping strengthen the lower body as you perform squats and deadlifts on it,…

  • Back Workouts with Dumbbells

    The advantages of using dumbbells in a resistance workout are virtually endless. You can achieve greater range of motion, mimic sports or real-life movements, and get a complete workout at home without spending thousands of dollars on exercise machines. Although many people prefer cables, bars and machines for most back exercises, entire back workouts can…

  • Building the Biceps

    There is no small number of people, men particularly, that are interested in the size of their biceps. They just gotta have the big guns. So, how do you get bulging pipes? What are the best movements or bicep exercises? Curls are the go-to choice; preferred movements because they directly put the bicep through its…

  • Creating an Upper Chest Workout

    A tight, toned and defined chest is a goal many men and women strive for and can be achieved with the right upper chest workout. Focusing your attention on exercising at an incline will target the upper portion of the chest, creating lean, sculpted, firm, elevated pecs. Use the Incline Bench One of the simplest…

  • Rack Pulls Vs Deadlifts – Which Is Best For You?

    As you go about structuring your workout routine to help accelerate strength gains, one question you might start to ask is whether you should be doing rack pulls vs deadlifts. Both have been proven time and time again to be excellent strength building movements that are great for increasing your metabolism, adding lean muscle mass,…

  • Finding the Right Blend of Cardio and Weight Lifting for Muscle Growth

    I was recently asked “will an intense cardiovascular workout after lifting heavy weights build my muscles bigger and faster?” The question and answer is complicated. The question itself needs quite a bit of clarification. The answer is a factor of diet, body type, training objectives, and more. First off, intensity must be defined. It is…