Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Moms Preaching Fitness: The New Breed of Bullies

    Moms Preaching Fitness: The New Breed of Bullies

    Point out the dangers of smoking, excessive drinking or inadequate sleep, and nobody will blast you for being a “hater” or “bully,” but heaven forbid if you point out the dangers of being fat—as Maria Kang, the “Fitness Mom,” has done.

  • Is Running Good for Your Brain Too?

    Is Running Good for Your Brain Too?

    Anyone who has spent any time around an older friend or family member that is suffering with memory loss and/or dementia knows how devastating diseases of the mind can be, not only for those suffering but on the family and caretakers as well.

  • 6 Benefits Of Quaker Oats For Breakfast

    6 Benefits Of Quaker Oats For Breakfast

    If you’re looking for a way to kick-start your day and improve upon your nutrition, you should not overlook the benefits of Quaker oats.

  • Can Older People Incorporate Interval Training?

    Can Older People Incorporate Interval Training?

    Older people, like younger, are excellent candidates for interval training. Interval training has been shown, via studies, to be not only safe for older individuals, but quite beneficial in multiple ways.

  • Does the Type of Fat You Eat Matter?

    Does the Type of Fat You Eat Matter?

    The medical community tends to dumb weight gain or loss and changes in body composition down to the overly simple equation of calories in vs. calories out. If you take in more calories than you burn, according the equation, you’ll gain weight. And typically, that weight gain is in the form of increased fat stores.

  • How Inactive Are You

    How Inactive Are You

    I came across an article recently that was simultaneously shocking while making perfect sense to me.  According to recent research from the University of South Carolina, obese individuals get very little vigorous exercise on a daily basis.

  • Planks Are Great, But Can They Be Better?

    Planks Are Great, But Can They Be Better?

    Very few things in the fitness industry are as universally accepted as the notion that the best way to work your entire core musculature is by doing an exercise that spawned a brief internet craze, the plank.

  • Normal Weight in Teens Trumps Fit & Fat for Heart Attack Risk

    Normal Weight in Teens Trumps Fit & Fat for Heart Attack Risk

    A common mantra these days is “you can be fat and fit,” but does “fat and fit” translate to a lower risk and lower incidence of heart attack years later?

  • Fast Food vs. Grocery Store for Childhood Obesity

    Fast Food vs. Grocery Store for Childhood Obesity

    Whenever there’s an article that involves an obese child, either a particular one or childhood obesity in general, many comments to the article say things like, “Lay off the fast food,” or, “The fast food chains are to blame.”

  • Stand Up for Your Health

    Stand Up for Your Health

    There are no shortage of ways available for you to improve your health by increasing your physical activity level. Regular exercise is obvious place to start, but parking farther from the store or restaurant, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and not sitting for long periods of time are other less obvious ways to…

  • Mediterranean Diet Lowers Disease Risk; but Do You Really Understand this Diet?

    Mediterranean Diet Lowers Disease Risk; but Do You Really Understand this Diet?

    Don’t make the mistake of many people by only thinking you’re on the Mediterranean diet, when in fact, you’re nothing but. A new study associates the Mediterranean diet with a lower risk of peripheral artery disease, a painful condition that affects the legs

  • Pregnancy Weight Gain: What’s Healthy and What’s Not

    Pregnancy Weight Gain: What’s Healthy and What’s Not

    Here are straightforward guidelines for how much weight a woman should gain during her pregnancy.  Just how many pounds equate to healthy pregnancy weight gain? Let’s first put to bed—permanently—the myth that “eating for two” means eating for two adults.

  • How to Increase Metabolism: 5 Easy Steps

    How to Increase Metabolism: 5 Easy Steps

    No matter how “slow” you think your metabolism is, there are scientifically proven ways to speed it up. There are five approaches that you should adopt if you want to know how to increase metabolism safely.

  • Want Fit Kids? Moms Should Move More.

    Want Fit Kids? Moms Should Move More.

    If you want your children to “go outside and play,” maybe you should join them, suggests a new study. For this study, 554 women, and their four-year-olds, were fitted with an Actiheart monitor (combo accelerometer and heart rate monitor), which measures with a high degree of accuracy one’s physical movement.

  • How To Lose Weight Before Bikini Season

    How To Lose Weight Before Bikini Season

    I’ve been training professionally for over 8 years. Guess what the number one question I get is? How to lose weight! I know huge surprise! The fitness industry has exploded with thousands of workouts claiming to be the best weight loss workout, the best way to burn belly fat or the best butt toning workout!

  • Dark Chocolate Heart Health: Include Hostess Cupcakes?

    Dark Chocolate Heart Health: Include Hostess Cupcakes?

    We all know that dark chocolate is heart healthy, and we now know why, too, but where does one draw the line as to which dark colored cocoa products to eat?

  • Low Blood Sugar Symptoms You Should Know

    Low Blood Sugar Symptoms You Should Know

    As you go about your diet program, one thing that you need to be aware of and prepared should the event occur is low blood sugar. Some people tend to suffer from low blood sugar symptoms more frequently than others and there are many factors that can influence this.

  • 8 Reasons Why You Should Lift Weights

    8 Reasons Why You Should Lift Weights

    If you’re about to embark on a plan to get in better shape, one thing that you should be doing is starting to lift weights.  If there is one exercise variation that you can use to quickly transform your body, weights would be it.

  • 4 Workouts for Women

    4 Workouts for Women

    Exercise is good for everyone, generally speaking. However, not all forms of exercise are appropriate for each individual.

  • Stretching Exercises to Prevent Muscle Cramping

    Stretching Exercises to Prevent Muscle Cramping

    Muscle cramping often affects thousands of athletes all over the world which often compromises athletic performance during main events or during training.

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