9 Natural Remedies for Muscle Regeneration

Muscle regeneration takes place a few hours to days after the last exercise you perform after your last workout session. Working out is one way to add muscle and shed fat that takes up some of your body weight percentage. However, when you’ve just started to workout after a long time or have just tweaked your exercises you may feel a bit sore especially on the muscles you have just trained. There are natural remedies that you can do and utilize for your muscle regeneration. These are the most efficient natural methods that you can apply.

1) Get Enough Sleep

Muscle recovery or muscle regeneration takes its time to fully recover while sleeping. This is due to the fact that growth hormones are produced more during sleep. It is high time for you to get appropriate amounts of sleep each night; roughly 7 to 8 hours a day. Sleeping helps in recovering the necessary energy that you would need for your daily activities and for the next workout to come. It is alright to let loose once a week but should there be situations in which lack of sleep is inevitable it is vital for you to compensate by sleeping should your free time allow you.

2) Stretch It Out

One of the key elements to muscle regeneration is the natural remedies brought by stretching. Stretching promotes lengthening of the muscle fibers, dilates the blood vessels and promotes blood flow to the muscles. Increased blood flow to the muscles promotes recovery and may also ease the pain after your heavy workout days. Stretching is also a great way to increase flexibility among inflexible areas among men and women such as the hips, the hamstrings and the shoulders. Perform your stretching exercises after your workout and a day or two after your last workout session. Perform stretching exercises on the muscle groups that you have just trained to alleviate pain and promote muscle regeneration.

3) Maintain a Healthy Diet

Your diet plays an important role in helping your muscles regenerate. Taking in foods rich in protein helps nourish the muscles that require recovery. Protein aids in muscle regeneration by repairing the micro tears that happen when you perform weight lifting or other types of exercises. In addition to that, protein sources such as whey are fast digesting types which are essential for maximum recovery.

Within fifteen to thirty minutes after your workout, along with your protein source, it is best for you to take in fast digesting fruit based carbohydrates for glucose replacement after your workout. This will ensure that your protein intake is aided by the carbohydrate type of foods and energy replenishment.

4) Get Rid of Unhealthy Habits

Muscle regeneration also requires the appropriate and a healthy environment for muscle recovery. This includes avoidance of smoking and alcohol. Too much alcohol along with foods rich in fats helps accumulate flab and decreases muscle regeneration, and may even add fats and additional weight especially around the belly. Smoking on the other hand, constricts blood vessels and impedes blood flow to your muscles which can delay muscle recovery. In addition to that, smoking also causes a wide array of diseases which are counterproductive for muscle recovery and regeneration.

5) Light Workouts

One important task that you can perform to promote muscle recovery is by performing light workouts after your vigorous, heavy training days. Performing light weights of the same exercises you have done the day before promotes blood flow to your muscles aiding in muscle recovery. Light weights utilizing the 12 to 15 rep scheme for three sets is enough to keep you pumped. Make sure though that a warm up is present with your workout to ensure that your muscles are prepared for the forthcoming light workout.

6) Activity in the Office

If you are stuck in front of a desk all day long at work, walking or brisk walking during your break times will ensure that blood flow is promoted throughout the body. Getting stuck or sitting on a desk all day long puts strain to your lower back, glutes, shoulders and even in the chests. This strain may keep you from performing other activities and exercises that may hinder your muscle recovery.

7) Don’t Over train

Properly adding a rest day to your workout is one of the best remedies that you can perform drug free. A day or two of rest in between sessions is important. This is enough to keep your muscles recovered as you prepare for another workout session. You can perform light workouts as mentioned above or do no exercises at all during your rest days. Overtraining may cause muscles strains, tears and even injury which is a sure fire to waste your workouts. There are different ways that you can do in order to incorporate rest days to your workouts. You can ask your trainer on how to do this or you may consult your trainer to do a workouts rest day scheme for you.

8) Cardio…Cardio

Add some cardio workouts. Doing light cardio workouts such as jumping rope, swimming and jogging, just like stretching promotes blood flow to the muscles promoting muscle regeneration. A fifteen minute of workout during your rest days is enough to keep you active and help promote blood flow to your muscles.

9) Something Cold

When you are really sore and feeling pain on the muscles that you have trained, you can use and ice pack to ease the discomfort. You can start by placing an ice pack or an ice wrapped in towel over the affected area. You can use this remedy for fifteen minutes a day.


These are the natural remedies that you can do to help muscle regeneration. Muscle regeneration is necessary for muscle growth and in promoting strength, endurance and flexibility. These remedies are drug free and are simple you can do it at home or by simply staying active and maintaining light activities during your rest days. Rest, nutrition and proper execution are the building blocks of muscle regeneration. Should you have any pain or soreness that lasts for more than 2 weeks, it is important to consult a physician before taking any medications.


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